Fix My Putting: Effective Practice
Statistics. A word that screams complex for some or invokes painful memories of agonizingly long 8AM college classes for others. A...

Behind Bryson's Putting
First, let’s start by congratulating Bryson DeChambeau, my pick to win this week, on an otherwise impressive performance at the US Open....

Know Your Putting Story
If you have read some of my prior blog posts, you know I like stories. I recently had a chance to catch up with Tony Wright...

Shifting the Face and Path
Understanding how the face and path are related during a putting stroke is essential to controlling the start direction of the golf ball....

The Choice, Part Two: Cars
I like cars. If you follow me on Instagram (@pcombs21), you’ll know I really like mine. Regardless of what you drive though, consider how...

Ways to Learn a New Putting Stroke: Constraints
There are many ways to help players that are in need of making changes to their putting stroke. This video highlights a recent lesson I...

The Choice: Part One
There comes a point in time where I can take a hint. I usually see or hear something enough times where I finally decide to do something...

How Will You Shoot Lower Scores?
"I'm practicing and not getting better!" "I work hard and don't shoot lower scores!" "I always have a blow up hole that ruins my round!"...

The Stable Environment
The concept of a stable environment is one that is not often discussed in putting. While no two strokes will ever be identical down to...

The Complexity of an Azalea
The agonizing wait. The dramatic crescendo. The timeless heroism. Each of these emotional snippets define Azalea, the 13th hole at...