SGP, Part 2: Breaking Barriers
Collecting data through Strokes Gained Putting is a valuable tool that players of all skill levels can benefit from using. Yet the...

The Missing Statistic: Strokes Gained Putting
It's Not That Hard I promise Strokes Gained Putting isn't as hard as that picture. No really, it's not that hard. What it is though, is...

The Tail Light: Part 2
“Don’t believe everything you hear.” For us, this cliche it is even more applicable in our era than ever. Between countless social media...

The Tail Light: Part 1
While at a seminar some years back, the speaker was engaging the audience in the idea of team building. He posed a question that at first...

The Arms and Shaft: What You Don't Know
This foray against myths perpetuated across social media fronts is in its third installment. Without knowing the real information behind...

Something To Keep an Eye On
I have another all time favorite myth for us to tear apart: Your eyes need to be over the ball at address. Everyone has heard it. Many...

Y is Not the Letter of the Day
In a world where you have access to piles of instructional tips, articles, and videos, where do you turn? How do you know what's right?...

2018: The Year to Create
2018 provided what I consider my first exceptional opportunity to construct the foundation for my coaching and delivering excellence to...

Green Mapping: A Look Under the Hood
Yes, there are golfers that are more than happy to take down every bit of information they scrounge up on the internet and put it into...

Know Your Putting Story
If you have read some of my prior blog posts, you know I like stories. I recently had a chance to catch up with Tony Wright...