Tournament Preparation: Green Mapping
A critical element of performing at the highest level in tournament golf is being prepared for both the expected and the unexpected....

Shifting the Face and Path
Understanding how the face and path are related during a putting stroke is essential to controlling the start direction of the golf ball....

The False Start: Your Putter
Is your putter helping or hurting your game? Do you even know? Most people don't, so take a few minutes and learn how you can move your...

The Choice, Part Two: Cars
I like cars. If you follow me on Instagram (@pcombs21), you’ll know I really like mine. Regardless of what you drive though, consider how...

Your Destination: The Hotel
While the vast majority of my posts come from either a lesson or a bit of knowledge obtained from a fellow instructor, this one came over...

The Scope of the Lens
In an earlier article on David Orr's Flatstick Academy website, he presents a concept that a player’s Mental State is greatly impacted by...

Ways to Learn a New Putting Stroke: Constraints
There are many ways to help players that are in need of making changes to their putting stroke. This video highlights a recent lesson I...

The Choice: Part One
There comes a point in time where I can take a hint. I usually see or hear something enough times where I finally decide to do something...

"Expect Anything Different?!"
The putt that day in 2008. The eruption. The celebration. And that iconic line. I think back to Tiger's last major championship victory...

How Will You Shoot Lower Scores?
"I'm practicing and not getting better!" "I work hard and don't shoot lower scores!" "I always have a blow up hole that ruins my round!"...