Purchase either a
Single Session or 3 Session Package
Upload your videos and questionnaire to CoachNow, our online platform
After watching your video analysis, practice what you've been shown
Upload videos of your progress for us to verify your improvement and discuss

Preston's Putting Online
- 3 Session Package -
What's Included in a 3 Session Package?
Initial Questionnaire
Private Information Portal
Video Analysis
Follow Up
Customized Practice Plans
Performance Exercises
Data Analysis
Portable Tripod*

Q: Can I purchase online lessons at any time?
A: Yes.
Q: How long does it take for you to respond?​
A: Analysis for online lessons usually take 3-5 days and is subject to Preston's travel schedule for Putting Schools and other tournaments.
Q: Can I upload videos at any time?
A: Yes, once your CoachNow page is active, you may upload videos there. E-mailed, texted, or messaged videos will not be viewed.
Q: Do I need to schedule a time?
A: No. Because the Single and 3 Session packages are video uploads, Preston will respond with a complete voiceover analysis for you. You do not need to schedule a time.
Q: What is included in a typical lesson?
A: For new clients, the first lesson includes a voiceover assessment of the questionnaire and two videos discussing what is happening in the player's stroke and the first step in solving their biggest problem. Because putting strokes are very individual, Preston may ask for additional information to best help the player rather than dump an excess of information or generic drills and expect the player to instantly improve.
Q: What is a follow-up and what does it include?
A: Practicing the wrong stuff isn't good for anyone. Follow-ups are included with each session to verify that changes are properly implemented. Players are encouraged to post their follow up videos after having taken 2-4 sessions to work with the changes for the best feedback. The response may come in the form of a video, side-by-side photo, or note.
Q: How do I know when each lesson starts and ends if I get a 3 Session Package? I don't want to get confused with the follow-ups vs. homework to do as a part of the lesson.
A: Each lesson focuses on a specific topic/task to achieve or complete. Each session (or part of a session) is clearly labeled in the CoachNow page after uploading.
Q: Can I book a single live session with you like a Zoom or FaceTime?
A: Zoom Sessions are only available for long term program members (invitation only).
Q: If my putter is a problem, is that included with a session? How does a virtual fitting work?
A: Yes, we can help with putter selection and fitting. There are some essential parameters to get correct, most notably the right length which is predicated on body type and setup needs.
Q: What kind of support is available after the initial session and follow up? If I need more hands on support, what's the best option for me?
A: Players are always welcome to purchase additional Single Sessions or 3 Session packages. There is no expiration and can be used as the player and coach see fit.
Q: Are the videos and CoachNow platform compatible with all technology systems?
A: Yes. CoachNow can be download as a mobile app or accessed on the computer at www.coachnow.io
Q: Do I need any special equipment for the drills in the practice plan?
A: If you do need any training aids, they will all be available through my website. Providing the tools for success is important.
Q: What does a typical practice plan look like?
A: The practice plan will directly relate to The Putting Priorities of Read, Speed, and Direction. This will include exercises to build the skills and competitive work to keep players sharp.
Q: What's the time commitment to best improve my putting?
A: The question of the amount of time comes up often. Player should plan on very focused and moderate length sessions rather than trying to work for 3 consecutive hours once per week.
Q: Do the virtual lessons include tips for improving the mental aspect of putting? For example, I get psyched out on short putts often.
A: Having played competitive golf, Preston can share his experiences as well as stories from other players to help navigate that scene. He has also can recommend top performance experts on an as needed basis.
Q: Can I give the lesson packages as a gift to family members?
A: Yes, just purchase through the online store as if you were purchasing for yourself and contact Preston via e-mail at pcombs@pga.com to notify him of the gift usage.
Additional Notes
-- After registering for your lesson, you will receive and e-mail invitation to your CoachNow space in 1-2 days.
-- At that time, you can upload your questionnaire responses and upload videos.
-- We recommend waiting for you to receive your tripod before filming or purchasing one. Link to a tripod is on Channel 1 of the CoachNow page.
-- Online lesson purchases/unused lessons are not applicable towards in person visits on site at The Garage or any other live venue
-- Please be kind during response time for sessions. They are subject to change due to volume or travel schedule.
-- All communication should be completed via CoachNow. E-mail follow ups will not be answered. This ensures all members and participants have a complete and enjoyable experience.